All of the content of Debt Free Expertise is protected by both domestic
and international copyright through various treaties between nations.
Our guarantee period is 14 days from the date of Purchase. If you notify
us within the 14 day period and tell us that you wish to ask for a refund,
we will honor your request according to the following conditions. Since
you have already received the information which is intellectual property,
it would be unfair for you to both use the property and also ask for a
refund. Hence, for you to receive a refund we ask that you complete the
NDNCND (non-disclose, non-circumvent, non-disparage) document which
you will find below. You will need to both copy it and sign it with two witnesses,
and notarized. Then return it to us within 7 days of your refund request date.
You should receive your refund within 7-10 banking days from our receipt
of your document, depending upon your own bank. We think this is only
fair to ask you to agree not to use the product and not to share the
product with others if you are not going to pay for the product. We
would be most pleased to actually see you use the product and benefit
from it and actually receive referral fee commissions for sending other
enrolling customers to us. However, that choice is completely yours to
make. You may have extenuating circumstances that we are unaware of.
We understand.
Here follows the NCND Document for you to print:
Non-Disclose and Non-Circumvent Agreement
This Agreement is made for the benefit of Charles Christmas, LLC DBA
Debt Free Expertise (hereinafter referred to as "CCLLC") with email address
of [email protected], in regard to the purchase and return of a
financial educational product commonly known as Debt Free Expertise.
Here follows the name and contact information of the customer returning
the product, i.e. the Returner.
Name: ___________________________________________
Physical address: __________________________________
City: ______________ State: _______ Zip code:_________
Email address: ____________________________
Mobile Number: ___________________________Paragraph
1. No Use and No Disclosure. The Returning Customer (hereinafter
referred to as "Returner" agrees not to use this product referen
above, and also agrees not to disclose this product nor any information
nor any concepts regarding this product to any Third Party.
2. Destruction of Property. Returner agrees to destroy any and all copies
of product and information from CCLLC.
3. Liquidated Damages for Violations. Both Returner and CCLLC agree
that any violations of this agreement are subject to a liquated damages
award of $2500 (two thousand five hundred) for each violation whether
direct or consequential. The violator will be responsible for all reasonable
legal costs of CCLLC in any legal remedy where CCLLC prevails.
4. Term of Agreement This Agreement shall remain in force for a period
of fifteen (15) years from the original date of purchase of the product.
5. Governing Law. This agreement shall be governed by the laws of the
State of Nevada. Any conflicts of law shall be resolved by used Nevada
6. Notices Notices shall be sent by email at the addresses listed above.
Charles Christmas, LLC
___________________________ Date: _________
Print name here: _________________________
Returning Customer: _____________________
Witnesses: _______________________________
_______________________________ Date: _________
______________________________ Date: _________
Notarization below:
Copyright © 2024 | Charles Christmas, LLC. All Rights Reserved.